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23 octobre 2020

Numerology . Numérologie

Numerology . Numérologie
Numerology ‘‘In one of the books of this series we will also speak about numerology - a symbolic numeration. The matter is, this science may be used for analysis of specific situations and for forecasting. For instance, when I, by using clairvoyance,...
23 octobre 2020

We must correlate the number with the person . Nous devons corréler le nombre avec la personne

We must correlate the number with the person . Nous devons corréler le nombre avec la personne
We must correlate the number with the person ‘‘The expressed part, for example, the physical body of a human being is an absolutely free level of expression, which means the will and action of God, the creation of the human being. But all information...
24 octobre 2020

The basic Law for Energy Generation . La Loi Fondamentale de Génération d'Énergie

The basic Law for Energy Generation . La Loi Fondamentale de Génération d'Énergie
The basic Law for Energy Generation E=V*S, where E – energy; V – volume; S – speed of percepting the volume. Books : - (1998_APPLIED STRUCTURES OF THE CREATING FIELD OF INFORMATION_ebook.pdf) of Grabovoi Grigorii Petrovich - (1998_Copyright © Грабовой...
24 octobre 2020

With your thinking . Grâce à votre pensée

With your thinking . Grâce à votre pensée
With your thinking, you can construct all the intermediate configurations of substances ‘‘The substances (compounds) which are part of the human body When working with substances which are part of the human body, it is necessary to take into account that...
24 octobre 2020

The future events . Les évènements futurs

The future events . Les évènements futurs
The future events ''So, given that the task of control to fully control the situation in any aspect of time, this method, in general, is like a special method. Therefore, here we have to clearly distinguish this position of the facet, where you, being...
24 octobre 2020

What Jesus Christ had done by resurrecting Lazar . Ce que Jésus-Christ a fait lorsqu’il a ressuscité Lazare

What Jesus Christ had done by resurrecting Lazar . Ce que Jésus-Christ a fait lorsqu’il a ressuscité Lazare
What Jesus Christ had done by resurrecting Lazar ‘‘I have told you about the initial materialization of consciousness as a spherical shape. So, after this sphere has passed the informational frame of the planet, it may be projected either into another...
24 octobre 2020

Save others and you will save yourself . Sauvez les autres, et vous vous sauverez vous-même

Save others and you will save yourself . Sauvez les autres, et vous vous sauverez vous-même
Save yourself and you will save others. Save others and you will save yourself. ‘‘Save yourself and you will save others. Save others, and you will save yourself. Moving toward the Universe is the truth of the Universe. And the movement to Consciousness...
24 octobre 2020

If a person has decided not to die at all . Si une personne a décidé de ne pas mourir du tout

If a person has decided not to die at all . Si une personne a décidé de ne pas mourir du tout
If a person has decided not to die at all, then he will always have to think about something ‘‘I give the following system: if a person has decided not to die at all, then he will always have to think about something. This will be the theory and practice...
24 octobre 2020

The action of Love . L'action de l’Amour

The action of Love . L'action de l’Amour
The action of Love ''Therefore, when a person loves, she acts almost immediately as the Creator acts, and immediately as God acts. This is why it turns out that the action in Love is an action so fundamental, let's say fundamental, that it addresses simultaneously...
24 octobre 2020

A mission . Une mission

A mission . Une mission
A mission ‘‘And it turn out that Love is the personified action of God through the human being, that is, it is a very direct, clear and unambiguous accomplishment, yes ? a mission. God, despite the human being does not often see this as a mission... and...
25 octobre 2020

Concentrating on the result while listening to the audio tape . Concentration sur le résultat durant l'écoute de la bande audio

Concentrating on the result while listening to the audio tape . Concentration sur le résultat durant l'écoute de la bande audio
Concentrating on the result while listening to the audio tape ‘‘When I give the knowledge on an audio tape, the tape must be listened for comprehension. You can also implement the set task by concentrating on the result while listening to the audio tape....
25 octobre 2020

Happiness . Le bonheur

Happiness . Le bonheur
Happiness ‘‘So happiness is also a social organizer. This is understandable: when ideas of society are implemented, a collective system of happiness arises.’’ Book : (20050126_Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Счастье вечного развития_ebook.pdf) of Грабовой...
25 octobre 2020

Eternal Love, Love, Love Types, Passion and Friendship...

Eternal Love, Love, Love Types, Passion and Friendship...
When you thank God for protecting you, you are already interacting with Him through Love. This Love has different types of Love… What are these types of Love ? ‘‘Love: types 888 12418 316019 – various displays of love dependent on an object: 1.Brother...
25 octobre 2020

C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ – The model of chemical formula of Love . C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ – Le modèle de la formule chimique de l'Amour

C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ – The model of chemical formula of Love . C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ – Le modèle de la formule chimique de l'Amour
C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ – The model of chemical formula of Love The model of chemical formula of love – C₄₃H₆₆N₁₂O₁₂S₂ - allows to see that love itself is not described by the formula, but is perceived by the Soul and Consciousness, it is enough to understand...
26 octobre 2020

Two kinds of numbers series of psychological normalization . Deux sortes de séries de nombres de normalisation psychologique

Two kinds of numbers series of psychological normalization . Deux sortes de séries de nombres de normalisation psychologique
Two kinds of numbers series of psychological normalization There are two kinds of number series of psychological normalization: - The first represents the number series related to Normalization, that is, the number series of Psychologial Salvation. -...
26 octobre 2020

The number series of psychological normalization . Les séries de nombres de normalisation psychologique

The number series of psychological normalization . Les séries de nombres de normalisation psychologique
Introduction The work contains sections on psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy, social psychology, labor psychology, pathopsychology, psychophysics, defectology, sensory psychology, psychology of personality, psychoanalysis, motivational psychology, psychology...
27 octobre 2020

PSI 39164871918

PSI 39164871918
Pdf file : PSI_39164871918 PSI 39164871918 PSI 39164871918 – the letter of the Greek alphabet, usually used as a symbol for psychology. Symbolic expression of reality transferred to the numbers can adapt the perception of the human being to eternal development,...
27 octobre 2020

Thought and feeling . La pensée et le sentiment

Thought and feeling . La pensée et le sentiment
Thought. The thought is that information which is a connecting link between Consciousness, Spirit and Body. Having said that, the thought is organized by the Soul. La pensée. La pensée est l’information laquelle est un lien de connexion entre la Conscience,...
27 octobre 2020

DNA and RNA . ADN et ARN

DNA and RNA . ADN et ARN
DNA and RNA Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) — 53184854961Official source : (2001_Нормирование состава химических элементов концентрацией на чиcлах.pdf) of Grabovoi Grigorii Petrovitch Replication of the DNA. The normalization of DNA replication in the sens...
27 octobre 2020

The model of chemical formula of Happiness – C₈H₁₁NO₂ . Le modèle de la formule chimique du Bonheur – C₈H₁₁NO₂

The model of chemical formula of Happiness – C₈H₁₁NO₂ . Le modèle de la formule chimique du Bonheur – C₈H₁₁NO₂
The model of chemical formula of Happiness – C₈H₁₁NO₂ ‘‘The model of chemical formula of happiness – C₈H₁₁NO₂ – allows you to create happy events around this chemical formula information when controlling events. Thus it is seen that in the science of...
27 octobre 2020

What is clairvoyance? . Qu'est-ce que la clairvoyance ?

What is clairvoyance? . Qu'est-ce que la clairvoyance ?
What is clairvoyance? What is clairvoyance? This is a specific system of cognition. That is, knowing what is in the future or the past - the knowledge of certain aspects of another plan. I give the path to this knowledge. Knowledge is control in this...
28 octobre 2020

When we do an action . Lorsque nous accomplissons une action

When we do an action . Lorsque nous accomplissons une action
When we do an action "When we do an action, right? From God's point of view, an action is Love. That is to say, we consider an action, even an intermediate action, as an action of Love of God, both in relation to the External World and to ourselves. That...
28 octobre 2020


3. Mechanism for building physical reality and for control of physical reality. “If for a 10⁻¹⁷ of a second the light works so that each neighboring element of the event is either a future event, or a past, or a present intertwined in the form as if of...
28 octobre 2020

The zodiac constellations . Les constellations du zodiaque

The zodiac constellations . Les constellations du zodiaque
The ecliptic zodiac constellations Here is the number series related to the 13 zodiac Constellations, that is, at the level of the ecliptic zodiac. That is to say, at the level of the ecliptic zodiac, there is 13 Constellations and not 12. In the book...
28 octobre 2020

How to make life easier for people living in the society . Comment rendre la vie plus aisée pour les gens vivant dans la société

How to make life easier for people living in the society . Comment rendre la vie plus aisée pour les gens vivant dans la société
How to make life easier for people living in the society ‘‘The next question, “How to make life easier for people living in the society, the undying persons in the society? When we look for a job the age matters, and after sixty years of age it is difficult...
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