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27 février 2021

Nine, zero, cross . Neuf, zéro, croix

Nine, zero, cross . Neuf, zéro, croix
Nine, z ero, cross ‘‘This is the principle of speed in consciousness - it characterizes : the next level in the construction of number series in this first method of control by numbers, so that the series of numbers should be located as systematically...
19 février 2021


‘‘It is known that a miracle doesn’t conflict with the laws of Nature, a miracle conflicts with our idea of Nature’s laws.’’ ‘‘Il est connu qu'un miracle n'entre pas en conflit avec les lois de la Nature, un miracle entre en conflit avec notre idée des...
15 février 2021

The meaning of the number zero . La signification du nombre zéro

The meaning of the number zero . La signification du nombre zéro
Zero ‘‘Thus, the first method consists in creating a series of numbers by saturating, as it were, the macro-control area. That is, the numbers in this case do not contain a macro area; and you simply create a series of numbers, and you saturate it with...
13 février 2021

A geometrical system . Un système géométrique

 A geometrical system . Un système géométrique
A geometrical system ‘‘It is the location of concrete systems in relation to perception that is of great importance: that perception can be either horizontal or vertical. This is where control takes into account the spatiality of perception, and the numbers...
7 février 2021

A universal method of accessing information . Une méthode d’accès universelle à l’information

A universal method of accessing information . Une méthode d’accès universelle à l’information
Clairvoyance is a universal method of accessing information. ‘‘Clairvoyance is a universal method of accessing information. What could such acquisition of information be compared with? In fact, we already have something like that in our modern life. It...
  • Grigori Grabovoi's Teachings and Technologies on Universal and Eternal Salvation and Harmonious Development ∞8∞ Enseignements et Technologies de Grigori Grabovoi sur le Salut et le Développement Harmonieux Universels et Éternels
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